Hash Table



Hash Table设计思路

Hash Table类的原型

template<typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFunc = hash_function<Key>,
        typename ExtractKey = extract_key_single<Key>,
        typename EqualKey = equal_key<Key>, typename Alloc = alloc>
class hash_table{

这里需要解释一下,Key指的就是键的类型,Value指的是存储的数据类型,对于unordered_set<int>这种,对应过来的Value就是int,而对于unordered_map<int, double>这种对应过来的Value就是pair<int,double>. HashFunc即hash仿函数类.EqualKey也是一个仿函数类,它的作用就是从Value类型中提取出Key类型对应的值,比如Value如果是int,那么提取出int,如果Value是pair<int,double>那么就是提取出int,这在后面的unordered_map类可以再仔细看一下.EqualKey也是一个仿函数类,用来判断两个key是否相等.Alloc类即是负责空间分配的类




template<typename Value>
struct hash_node{
    hash_node *next;
    Value val;
    hash_node(hash_node *next, Value val) : next(next), val(val){}
    hash_node() = default;

template<typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFunc = hash_function<Key>,
        typename ExtractKey = extract_key_single<Key>,
        typename EqualKey = equal_key<Key>, typename Alloc = alloc>
class hash_table{
typedef hash_table<Key, Value, HashFunc, ExtractKey, EqualKey, Alloc>    hash_table_type;
vector<hash_node_type*, Alloc> buckets;



根据上面的数据组织形式,我们可以让迭代器关联到槽中链表上的链表节点,然后根据需要后移所在链表中的位置或者转移到下一个槽中的链表头部.所以迭代器类需要两个信息,一个是Hash Table对象指针以便更换槽;另一个是当前所在的链表节点.


template<typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFunc,
            typename ExtractKey, typename EqualKey, typename Alloc = alloc>
struct hash_table_iterator{
    typedef Key key_type;
    typedef Value value_type;
    typedef Value* pointer;
    typedef Value &reference;
    typedef hash_table_iterator<Key, Value, HashFunc, ExtractKey, EqualKey, Alloc> iterator;
    typedef const iterator const_iterator;
    typedef hash_table<Key, Value, HashFunc, ExtractKey, EqualKey, Alloc> hash_table_type;
    typedef hash_node<Value> hash_node_type;
    typedef forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;

    hash_table_iterator() = default;
    hash_table_iterator(hash_node_type *cur, hash_table_type* ht) : cur(cur), ht(ht){}
	reference operator*(){
        return cur->val;

    pointer operator->(){
        return &(cur->val);

    iterator operator++(){
        hash_node_type *old = cur;
        cur = cur->next;
        if(cur == NULL){
            size_t id = ht->getBucketId(old->val);
            while(id < ht->getBucketSize()){
                cur = ht->buckets[id++];
                if(cur)    break;
        return *this;
    iterator operator++(int){
        iterator tmp = *this;
        return tmp;
    bool operator==(const_iterator &rhs) const{
        return    cur == rhs.cur;
    bool operator!=(const_iterator &rhs) const{
        return cur != rhs.cur;

    hash_table_type *ht; //Hash Table对象指针
    hash_node_type    *cur; //当前链表节点

Hash Table具体设计


static const int prime_table_size = 28;
static const unsigned int prime_table[prime_table_size] = {
        53, 97, 193, 389, 769,
        1543, 3079, 6151, 12289, 24593,
        49157, 98317, 196613, 393241, 786433,
        1572869, 3145739, 6291469, 12582917, 25165843,
        50331653, 100663319, 201326611, 402653189, 805306457,
        1610612741, 3221225473ul, 4294967291ul

 * ExtractKey tells you how to get the key from the value. For example, Value type is pair<int, int> hash_map and
 * the ExtractKey is select the first one of the pair.
template<typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFunc = hash_function<Key>,
        typename ExtractKey = extract_key_single<Key>,
        typename EqualKey = equal_key<Key>, typename Alloc = alloc>
class hash_table{
    template<typename K, typename V, typename H, typename Ex, typename Eq, typename Al>
    friend  struct hash_table_iterator;
    template<typename Ku, typename Hu, typename Eu, typename Au>
    friend class unordered_set;
    template<typename Km, typename Mapped, typename Hm, typename Em, typename Am>
    friend class unordered_map;
    typedef Key Key_type;
    typedef Value Value_type;
    typedef size_t size_type;
    typedef hash_table<Key, Value, HashFunc, ExtractKey, EqualKey, Alloc>    hash_table_type;
    typedef hash_table_iterator<Key, Value, HashFunc, ExtractKey, EqualKey, Alloc> iterator;
    typedef hash_node<Value> hash_node_type;

    hash_table(size_type n = prime_table[0]) : buckets(vector<hash_node_type*, Alloc>(n, NULL)),
            num_element(0), prime_pos(0), load_factor_gate(1.0), finish(NULL, this){}


    size_type getBucketSize() const    {    return buckets.size(); }
    size_type maxBucketSize()    const    {    return UINT_MAX;    }
    size_type getBucketId(const Value_type val)    const{
        return hash_func(get_key(val)) % getBucketSize();
    size_type getBucket(const size_type n)    const{
        hash_node<Value_type> *pCur = buckets[n];
        size_type num = 0;
            pCur = pCur->next;
        return num;
    bool empty()    {    return num_element == 0;    }
    size_type size()    {    return num_element;    }
    size_type max_size()    {    return UINT_MAX;    }
    double load_factor()    {    return num_element * 1.0 / getBucketSize(); }
    double    max_load_factor()    {    return load_factor_gate;    }
    void max_load_factor(double lfg)    {    load_factor_gate = lfg;    }

    // iterator interface
    iterator begin(){
        iterator start = iterator(NULL, this);
        for(size_type i = 0; i < buckets.size(); i++)
                start = iterator(buckets[i], this);
        return start;
    iterator end() const { return finish; }

    size_type count(const Key_type &vale);
    iterator find(const Key_type &vale);
    void insert_equal(const Value_type value);
    void insert_unique(const Value_type value);
    void erase(iterator iter);
    void erase(const Key_type key);
    void clear();
    void swap(hash_table_type &rhs);

    void resize(const size_type sz);

    vector<hash_node_type*, Alloc> buckets;
    size_t num_element; // count how many keys have been contained
    size_t prime_pos;
    double    load_factor_gate;
    ExtractKey get_key;
    HashFunc hash_func;
    EqualKey equal;
    iterator finish;

template<typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFunc, typename ExtractKey, typename Equal, typename Alloc>
typename hash_table<Key, Value, HashFunc, ExtractKey, Equal, Alloc>::size_type
hash_table<Key, Value, HashFunc, ExtractKey, Equal, Alloc>::count(const Key_type &key){
    hash_node_type *pCur = buckets[hash_func(key) % getBucketSize()];
    size_type num = 0;
        if(equal(get_key(pCur->val), key))    num++;
        pCur = pCur->next;
    return num;

template<typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFunc, typename ExtractKey, typename Equal, typename Alloc>
typename hash_table<Key, Value, HashFunc, ExtractKey, Equal, Alloc>::iterator
hash_table<Key, Value, HashFunc, ExtractKey, Equal, Alloc>::find(const Key_type &val){
    hash_node_type *pCur = buckets[hash_func(val) % getBucketSize()];
        if(equal(get_key(pCur->val), val )){
            return iterator(pCur, this);
        pCur = pCur->next;
    return finish;

template<typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFunc, typename ExtractKey, typename Equal, typename Alloc>
void hash_table<Key, Value, HashFunc, ExtractKey, Equal, Alloc>::clear(){
    for(size_type i = 0; i < buckets.size(); i++){
        hash_node_type *pHead = buckets[i], *pNext = NULL;
            pNext = pHead->next;
            pHead = pNext;

template<typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFunc, typename ExtractKey, typename Equal, typename Alloc>
void hash_table<Key, Value, HashFunc, ExtractKey, Equal, Alloc>::resize(const size_type sz){
    vector<hash_node_type*, Alloc> old_buckets(sz, NULL);
    num_element = 0;
    prime_pos = 0;
    while(prime_table[prime_pos+1] < sz)    prime_pos++;
    for(size_type i = 0; i < old_buckets.size(); i++){
        hash_node_type *pHead = old_buckets[i], *pNext = NULL;
            pNext = pHead->next;
            pHead = pNext;

template<typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFunc, typename ExtractKey, typename Equal, typename Alloc>
void hash_table<Key, Value, HashFunc, ExtractKey, Equal, Alloc>::insert_unique(const Value_type value){
        //remove the older value
        *find(get_key(value)) = value;

template<typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFunc, typename ExtractKey, typename Equal, typename Alloc>
void hash_table<Key, Value, HashFunc, ExtractKey, Equal, Alloc>::insert_equal(const Value_type value){
    if(num_element >= load_factor_gate * getBucketSize()){
    hash_node_type *pCur = buckets[hash_func(get_key(value)) % getBucketSize()];
    hash_node_type *pNode = new hash_node_type(NULL, value);
    if(!pCur)    buckets[hash_func(get_key(value)) % getBucketSize()] = pNode;
        while(pCur->next)    pCur = pCur->next;
        pCur->next = pNode;

// erase all the same Value
template<typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFunc, typename ExtractKey, typename Equal, typename Alloc>
void hash_table<Key, Value, HashFunc, ExtractKey, Equal, Alloc>::erase(const Key_type key){
    hash_node_type *pHead = buckets[hash_func(key) % getBucketSize()];
    hash_node_type *pCur = pHead, *pNext = NULL;
    if(!pCur)    return;
        if(equal(get_key(pCur->next->val), key)){
            pNext = pCur->next;
            pCur->next = pNext->next;
    if(equal(get_key(pHead->val), key)){
        buckets[hash_func(key) % getBucketSize()] = pHead->next;

// only erase the one that iterator point
template<typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFunc, typename ExtractKey, typename Equal, typename Alloc>
void hash_table<Key, Value, HashFunc, ExtractKey, Equal, Alloc>::erase(iterator iter){
    hash_node<Value_type> *pCur = buckets[hash_func(get_key(iter->cur->val)) % getBucketSize()];
    if(pCur != iter)
        while(pCur->next != iter->cur)    pCur = pCur->next;
    pCur->next = iter->cur->next;

template<typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFunc, typename ExtractKey, typename Equal, typename Alloc>
void hash_table<Key, Value, HashFunc, ExtractKey, Equal, Alloc>::swap(hash_table_type &rhs){
    std::swap(num_element, rhs.num_element);
    std::swap(prime_pos, rhs.prime_pos);
    std::swap(load_factor_gate, rhs.load_factor_gate);

根据Hash Table实现unordered_set和unordered_map

有了上面的Hash Table底层类再来实现unordered_set和unordered_map简直不要太轻松.我们只需要准备好Hash Table所需要的Key, Value, ExtractKey等类参数然后包装一层API即可.



template<typename Key>
struct extract_key_single{
    Key operator()(const Key key)    const{
        return key;

template<typename Key, typename HashFunc = hash_function<Key>, typename EqualKey = equal_key<Key>, typename Alloc = alloc>
class unordered_set{
    typedef Key Key_type;
    typedef Key Value_type;
    typedef Key* pointer;
    typedef Key& reference;
    typedef unordered_set<Key, HashFunc, EqualKey, Alloc> unordered_set_type;
    typedef size_t size_type;
    //注意准备的Key, Value,ExtractKey,这和unordered_map略微不同
    typedef hash_table<Key, Key, HashFunc, extract_key_single<Key>, EqualKey, Alloc> hash_table_type;
    typedef typename hash_table_type::iterator iterator;

    unordered_set() = default;
    template<typename InputIterator>
    unordered_set(InputIterator first, InputIterator last){
        while(first != last){
    unordered_set(const unordered_set_type &rhs){
    ~unordered_set()    = default;

    bool empty()    {    return ht.empty();    }
    size_type size()    {    return ht.size();    }
    size_type max_size()    {    return ht.max_size();    }

    iterator begin()    {    return ht.begin();    }
    iterator end()    {    return ht.end();    }

    size_type count(const Key_type key)    {    return ht.count(key);    }
    iterator find(const Key_type key){    return ht.find(key);    }

    void insert(const Value_type key)    {    ht.insert_unique(key); }
    void erase(const Key_type key)    {    ht.erase(key);    }
    void erase(iterator iter)    {    ht.erase(iter);    }
    void clear()    {    ht.clear();    }
    void swap(unordered_set_type &rhs)    {    ht.swap(rhs.ht);    }

    size_type bucket_count()    {    return ht.getBucketSize();    }
    size_type max_bucket_count()    {    return ht.maxBucketSize();    }
    size_type bucket_size(size_type n)    {    return ht.getBucket(n);    }
    size_type bucket(const Key_type key)    {    return ht.getBucketId(key);    }

    double load_factor()    {    return ht.load_factor();    }
    double max_load_factor()    {    return ht.max_load_factor();    }
    void max_load_factor(double factor)    {    ht.max_load_factor(factor);    }
     // n is the new buckets num
    void rehash(size_type n){
    // n is the num of element
    void reserve(size_type n){
        if(n >    bucket_count() * load_factor()){
            rehash(n / max_load_factor());

    //封装Hash Table
    hash_table_type ht;


我们在使用unordered_map时候一般会确定两个类型,比如unordered_map<int,double>,这里int是Key类型而double是Mapped类型,所以传递给Hash Table的Value类型就是pair<Key, Mapped>即pair<int, double>,同样对于ExtractKey(使用extract_key_pair)也需要注意一下.

template<typename Key, typename Value>
struct extract_key_pair{
    Key operator()(const Value value)    const{
        return value.first;

template<typename Key, typename Mapped, typename HashFunc = hash_function<Key>,
        typename EqualKey = equal_key<Key>, typename Alloc = alloc>
class unordered_map{
    typedef size_t size_type;
    typedef Key key_type;
    typedef Mapped mapped_type;
    typedef std::pair<Key, Mapped>    value_type;
    typedef unordered_map<Key, Mapped, HashFunc, EqualKey, Alloc>    unordered_map_type;
    typedef hash_table<Key, value_type, HashFunc, extract_key_pair<Key, value_type>, EqualKey, Alloc>    hash_table_type;
    typedef    typename hash_table_type::iterator    iterator;

    unordered_map() = default;
    template<typename InputIterator>
    unordered_map(InputIterator first, InputIterator last){
        while(first != last){
    unordered_map(const unordered_map_type &rhs){
    ~unordered_map() = default;

    bool empty()    {    return ht.empty();    }
    size_type size()    {    return ht.size();    }
    size_type max_size()    {    return ht.max_size();    }

    iterator begin()    {    return ht.begin();    }
    iterator end()    {    return ht.end();    }

    mapped_type& operator[](const key_type key){
        if(ht.find(key) == end()){
            insert(std::make_pair(key, mapped_type()));
        return (ht.find(key))->second;

    mapped_type at(const key_type key){
        if(ht.find(key) == end())    THROW_OUT_OF_RANGE;
        return (ht.find(key))->second;

    size_type count(const key_type key)    {    return ht.count(key);    }
    iterator find(const key_type key)    {    return ht.find(key);    }

     * attention: insert the value_type and erase the key_type
    void insert(const value_type key)    {    ht.insert_unique(key); }
    void erase(const key_type key)    {    ht.erase(key);    }
    void erase(iterator iter)    {    ht.erase(iter);    }
    void clear()    {    ht.clear();    }
    void swap(unordered_map_type &rhs)    {    ht.swap(rhs.ht);    }

    size_type bucket_count()    {    return ht.getBucketSize();    }
    size_type max_bucket_count()    {    return ht.maxBucketSize();    }
    size_type bucket_size(size_type n)    {    return ht.getBucket(n);    }
    size_type bucket(const key_type key)    {    return ht.getBucketId(key);    }

    double load_factor()    {    return ht.load_factor();    }
    double max_load_factor()    {    return ht.max_load_factor();    }
    void max_load_factor(double factor)    {    ht.max_load_factor(factor);    }
     // n is the new buckets num
    void rehash(size_type n){
    // n is the num of element
    void reserve(size_type n){
        if(n >    bucket_count() * load_factor()){
            rehash(n / max_load_factor());

    hash_table_type ht;


只要你把Key, Value各自的作用搞得很清楚,然后参照上面提到的数据存储方法就可以很清楚的写出相关代码,另外从这个实例也可以看出迭代器的设计与容器是相互依存的,迭代器需要知道容器的各种信息(通常包含一个容器对象指针),容器也需要迭代器作为其许多成员函数的接口.

- EOF -

声明:本文采用BY-NC-SA协议进行授权.转载请注明: 仿照SGI-STL实现Hash表

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